Welcome to Sts. Nicholas and Dimitrios Greek Orthodox Church
Our Church offers sacrament services as well as venue bookings. Please review the list of services below.
For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have been clothed in Christ - Galatians 3:26
Baptism is the first Sacrament that an Orthodox Christian participates in. During baptism, the individual (child or adult) becomes a member of the Church through immersion in the Name of the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). Everyone is baptised in blessed Holy Water by the Priest during the service. This is the first step in a new life in Christ, as He grants a new life of being born again “of water and the Spirit” (John 3:5).

Marriage is a Sacrament of the Eastern Orthodox Church in which a man and woman solemnly vow before Christ, along with the clergy and the congregation present, to be true to each other for life.
Their conjugal union is blessed by Christ through the Church. God’s grace is imparted to them to live together in His love, mutually fulfilling and perfecting each other. The marriage ceremony of the Orthodox Church is steeped in ritual and symbolism. Each of the acts which you will observe solemnized today has special meaning and significance.

I believe in the Resurrection of the dead, and the life of the age to come.
Death and Joyful Sorrow
Orthodox Christians begin their journey to the Kingdom of God with their Baptism and Chrismation. During these sacraments, we "die to the world and resurrect" in a new life in Christ. Throughout our lives, we are called to be faithful to the Gospel, loving God and our neighbour. As we approach the end of life on this earth, we can take comfort in the fact that Jesus is "the resurrection and the life", who promises all faithful believers that, "even though they die, they will live" eternally in the Kingdom of God (John 11:25).

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